Thursday, March 19, 2015

Rathbone presents at Chi-Fi!

Ahoy, Chicago! Rathbone the Pirate, author of Ye Pirate Blogge, will be presenting at Chi-Fi 2015 this weekend!

Held at the beautiful and historic Palmer House in downtown Chicago, Chi-Fi is a celebration of all things geek. There will be geeky music, lightsaber training, Renaissance Faire activities, authors, artists, cosplay, and parties... plus our own Rathbone!

Rathbone performs a Pirate Magic Show at 10 AM on Friday, March 20. Also Friday at 5:30 PM will be Rathbone's "Pirate 101" session, featuring tips on dressing, drinking, eating, fighting, talking (and even walking) like a pirate. Saturday at 1 PM, Rathbone leads a session on some Pirate Games with dice and cards. You can also head over to Rathbone's vendor table to get games, missions, certificates of Rathbone's Pyrate Code, and even a palm or tarot reading by Rathbone himself. So head on down to Chicago's historic Palmer House on Friday and Saturday!